I can't describe how useful your website is. It's just amazing the amount of USEFUL info you give on EVERY company. The site is eons above any others. I hadn't realized how much I liked Minco and Silvercorp until I read your piece on them today. They fit MY desires completely. Thank you for your great work. BRAVO. TRULY. - James Braha
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I'm really impressed with the site. As an investor who has decided to specialize on the smaller explorers, this is just what I've been looking for. I'm your biggest fan. - JB
For more than 500 miners Don Durrett provides excellent overviews focusing on the actual situation of the company: stock chart, links to various financial websites, financial situation, gold/silver reserves, amount of production (or planned production date), mining costs. - Koen Brusselmans
The tools on goldsilverdata.com save incredible amounts of work and allow to easily select among the best mining stocks for investment. - Jonathan Garneau
Don Durrett also provides an introduction on how to value gold/silver miners (also for free) and indicates on which important parameters you should focus. - Koen Brusselmans
I joined it for $99 a year and it is really a neat site as it let's you then plug in numbers to calculated values in the future (POG, reserves, grade etc etc) They have data on over 500 junior mining companies and give recommendations... Maybe the best $99 a venture investor can spend.
I would not claim that with a subscription to this website you are similarly informed as insiders, but I think it is about the closest you can get as a non-professional investor. In conclusion, I can seriously recommend this site to anyone interested in investing in gold/silver miners. - Koen Brusselmans
I just renewed again. Thank you for your superb web site. I can't imagine investing in mining stocks without it. I use it every day, many times a day. - Kingstone
Love your site. Great information, incredible value - Bob P
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