I can't describe how useful your website is. It's just amazing the amount of USEFUL info you give on EVERY company. The site is eons above any others. I hadn't realized how much I liked Minco and Silvercorp until I read your piece on them today. They fit MY desires completely. Thank you for your great work. BRAVO. TRULY. - James Braha
In business, those armed with the best information make the best decisions. GoldSilverData offers a lot of very valuable data for $0.25 a day. - Bob Moriarty (321 Gold)
His website effort save tons of time trying to do this by hand - trust me, I have tried doing this before finding this website albeit a smaller scale and it still was very time consuming. Good Job Don on providing an important resource for private Gold/Silver investors. - Keith Espiritu
Don Durrett also provides an introduction on how to value gold/silver miners (also for free) and indicates on which important parameters you should focus. - Koen Brusselmans
For more than 500 miners Don Durrett provides excellent overviews focusing on the actual situation of the company: stock chart, links to various financial websites, financial situation, gold/silver reserves, amount of production (or planned production date), mining costs. - Koen Brusselmans
I really like your page and it have made my life a lot easier and is good bang for buck for sure! - Sami
I'm really impressed with the site. As an investor who has decided to specialize on the smaller explorers, this is just what I've been looking for. I'm your biggest fan. - JB
This website is a useful resource in finding undervalued mining companies, while avoiding the ones that are overvalued or don't offer good risk/reward. Also, get updated perspectives from veteran mining investor and analyst Don Durrett in his monthly newsletter. - James
So impressed with your work and logical approach to investing - John G
Your website and insight are among the very best and most valuable out there in my opinion. - Joe
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