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News from March 2018
Updated: KEFI Gold and Copper
Kefi Minerals has an exciting project in Ethiopia. The Tula Kapi open pit and underground project has 1.7 million oz and is growing in size. The PEA is economic with low cash costs around $700 per oz. The capex is high at $160 million, but is mostly... more
Updated: Desert Gold Ventures Inc
Desert Gold Ventures has projects in Africa. They are trying to become a small gold miner in Rwanda and Mali. Their Byumba project is only 265,000 oz, but they have a mining license. It is low capex and they might be able to pull it off. Currently they... more
Added: DELETE - Nusantara Resources
Nusantara Resources is developing an open pit gold project (Awak Mas) in Indonesia. It is a 2 million oz resources (they will get 75%) and it has low cash costs around $500 per oz. Surprisingly, investors are not interested. Their FD market cap is only $3 more
Added: Rumble Resources
Rumble Resources is a project generator focused in Western Australia. They have had success before with exploration and have a good exploration team. They have a large property (250,000 acres) in the Pilbara (Braeside). If the Pilbara takes off, so could... more
Updated: Filo Mining Corp
Filo Mining was a spinout project from NGex Resources in 2016. It is a large copper/gold/silver project in Argentina, with 3.3 billion lbs of copper, 4 million oz of gold (75% recovery), and 150 million oz of silver (60% recovery). They are currently... more
Added: Venturex Resources
Venturex Resources is developing a base metals project (Sulphur Springs) in Western Australia. It's pretty big, with about 900,000 tons of zinc. It has a feasibility study and is close to being permitted. This project is the reason for their $41 million... more
Updated: DELETE - Josemaria Resources Inc
NGEx Resources has two large copper/gold/silver projects in Argentina. The have FD market cap of $204 million, which is cheap based on their potential. The key is going to be financing and copper demand. Their first project called Los Helados has capex... more
Updated: Xtra-Gold Resources Corp
Xtra Gold Resources is a project generator with one property in Ghana (West Africa). The Kibi project has significant potential. It is on 55,000 acres and has 4 deposits that they are drilling. Zone 2 had a 43-101 resource estimate in 2012 of 400,000 oz... more
Updated: Westhaven Gold
Westhaven Ventures is a project generator in Canada. They have two early exploration projects in British Columbia. Prospect Valley (25,000 acres) is a gold discovery with 150,000 oz. Shovelnose (45,000 acres) also appears to be a gold discovery, but... more
Updated: Northern Dynasty Minerals Ltd
Northern Dynasty is advancing the Pebble project in Alaska. Over $750 million has been spent. They have no debt and $37 million in cash. Pebble has 80 billion lbs (4%) of copper, 75 million oz (.4 gpt) of gold, and 500 million oz (1.5 gpt) of silver.... more
Updated: Fortune Minerals Ltd
Fortune Minerals has a shovel ready gold/copper/cobalt/bismuth project in Canada (Northwest Territories). The problem is the high capex ($437 million). No one want to take a chance on it today. The mine life is 21 to 24 years. However, it will likely get... more
Updated: Kinross Gold Corp
Kinross Gold is a major with 2.5 million oz of gold equivalent production. Their all-in costs for 2017 are projected to be around $1100 (gold equivalent cash costs per oz around $750). Their net profit in 2017 was about $450 million, which they plan to... more
Added: Astral Resources NL
Anglo Australian Resources is a project generator focused in Western Australia. They have two early exploration gold projects. Feysville (12,000) acres is a gold discovery, but still early exploration. It is a potential mine. Mandilla is not as advanced... more
Added: Aruma Resources Ltd
Aruma Resources is a gold exploration company focused in Western Australia. They have 3 projects they are exploring. Slate Dam (60,000 acres) has begun phase 1 drilling and initial results point to a discovery. Beowulf (125,000) acres will begin phase 1... more
Added: Albert Mining Inc
Albert Mining is a project generator focused in Canada. They have about 15 early exploration projects. So far they do not have a discovery, which is why they have a low valuation. However, management is using a proprietary AI technology called CARDS that... more
Added: Allegiant Gold
Allegiant Gold (spinout from Columbus Gold) is a project generator focused in Nevada and Arizona. They have 14 projects, with 10 of them drill ready that they plan to drill. They have one discovery (Eastside), but it is low grade and investors are not... more
Added: DELETE - Andromeda Metals Ltd
Andromeda Metals is a project generator focused in Australia. They have about 5 projects on large land holdings. They have 2 JVs with a 25% interest. They also recently obtained some projects in the Pilbara region in case that area turns red hot. And... more
Added: DELETE - Arrow Minerals Ltd
Arrow Minerals (formerly Segue Resources) is a project generator focused in Western Australia. They have two early exploration gold projects. Barlee is 350,000 acres with 14 drill targets. They also have 60,000 acres in the Pilbara region. With all of... more
Updated: DELETE - Petropavlovsk Plc
Petropavlovsk PLC is a mid-tier gold producer in Russia. They have 20 million oz of gold resources and produce 425,000 oz with cash costs around $650 per oz in 2018. They have a poor balance sheet with $600 million in debt and only $30 million in cash.... more
Updated: Equinox Gold Corp
Equinox Gold was formed in 2017 from a merger between Trek Mining, NewCastle Gold, and Anfield Gold. Combined they have 9 million oz of gold. They will become a 150,000 oz producer at the end of 2018 (Aurizona project in Brazil). Then they have a 5... more
New SeekingAlpha Article: Alio Gold - Rye Patch Gold Merger more
Updated: DELETE - Broadway Gold Mining Ltd
Broadway Mining has a potential gold discovery (Madison) in Montana on 2500 acres. The share price has exploded in value from 2 cents in 2015 to $1.28 in 2017. However, it has since come all the way back to 16 cents. The market cap has crashed down to $10 more
Updated: Equinox Gold Corp
Equinox Gold was formed in 2017 from a merger between Trek Mining, NewCastle Gold, and Anfield Gold. Combined they have 9 million oz of gold. They will become a 150,000 oz producer at the end of 2018 (Aurizona project in Brazil). Then they have a 5... more
Updated: Latin Metals Inc
Centenera Mining is a project generator focused in Argentina. They are exploring 5 projects, all of which are early exploration. They do not have any JVs at the moment. They do have a copper/gold discovery (Esperanza), which has a 350 meter hole at .35%... more
Updated: Gungnir Resources Inc
Gungnir Resources is a Canadian exploration company with a project in Sweden. Their Knaften property is on 18,000 acres in a good location. Early drill results (86 holes) have found a discovery (10 meters at 3.4 gpt). Plus, they have a royalty that will... more
Updated: Santacruz Silver Mining Ltd
Santacruz Silver Mining is a small silver producer in Mexico. They had problems with high costs in 2017 and sold their flagship Gavilanes project. Now they are left with two small mines (Rosario and Veta Grande) with low resources of only about 20... more
Updated: DELETE - Nautilus Minerals Inc.
Nautilus Minerals is a high-risk speculation stock, however, the sky is the limit. They are planning to mine from the sea floor at deep depths (5000 feet and deeper). If it works, they will likely expand rapidly, adding reserves and new mines. They... more
Updated: STLLR Gold
Moneta Porcupine has an excellent project in Ontario, Canada. The Golden Hwy property is a 4.3 million oz resource (1 gpt with a 90% recovery rate). They recently released a PEA for 25,000 tpd at 288,000 oz annual production. The capex was high at $600... more
New Improvements to the Website.
We rolled out some changes to the website today.
The main changes you will not see and are for non-members. The free accounts have limited features, but enough functionality to get an idea of what the site offers to members. The forum is still limited to members only.
The biggest change for members is in the forum. You can now bookmark posts and boards. This will allow you to save posts as a bookmark.
Another change to the forum is the ability to configure which boards appear. You now... more
Updated: Gold Springs Resources
TriMetals Mining (formerly South American Silver) has been a painful fall for their investors. It has fallen from $3.25 a share in 2010 to today’s price of 13 cents. Ouch. Today it has a FD market cap of $30 million. This happened because the Bolivian... more
Updated: Gold Resource Corp
Gold Resource Corp (often referred by their trading symbol GORO). After they went into production, their share price rocketed to $30 a share in 2011. However, it came all the way back, trading at $1.91 in early 2016. Today it is trading at $4.60, with a... more
Updated: Aurania Resources Ltd
Aurania Resources is a new company with a early exploration project in Ecuador called the Lost Cities / Cutucu project. It is a large property with 500,000 acres. In 2018 they will collect soil samples and look for drilling targets. They might drill for... more
Updated: Westgold Resources Ltd
Westgold Resources was a spinout of Metals X in 2016 (which remains as a base metals company). They are a mid-tier gold producer in Australia. They have 12 million oz of resources and 3 producing mines. They are marginally profitable with all-in costs (fr more
Updated: Fortuna Mining
Fortuna Silver is a mid-tier producer in Mexico and Peru. They will produce 17 million oz of silver equivalent in 2018. Their all-in costs (free cash flow) should be around $15 per oz, making them profitable. They have an FD market cap of $752 million.... more
Updated: Endurance Gold Corp
Endurance Gold is a project generator focused in North America (USA, Canada). They own 25 million shares of Inventus Mining, which could be very lucrative. They also have a 2% NSR on the Rattlesnake Hills gold project in Wyoming, which is a likely large... more
Updated: Eloro Resources Ltd
Eloro Resources is a project generator focused in Peru. They have a potential large gold discovery at La Victoria (22,000 acres). Early drill results have been impressive. The share price has exploded, but it's still early. It could go a lot higher, with... more
Updated: Bravada Gold Corp
Bravada Gold is an exploration company focused on Nevada. They have 11 Properties on 25,000 acres. The company was a spin-out from Bravo Gold and is a relatively new project generator. Their best property is Wind Mountain, a past producing open pit... more
Updated: Regis Resources Ltd
Regis Resources, an Australian gold producer, was a fantastic investment in 2008 when they traded for 10 cents! It increased to $6 in 2012 and is now back to $3.46 with a $1.7 billion FD market cap. Cash costs are around $650 per oz, plus their balance... more
Updated: Puma Exploration Inc
Puma Exploration is a project generator focused in Canada. They have five projects in New Brunswick. All of them have potential. Recent copper/zinc drill results at Dragon and Powerline have been impressive. Nicholas-Deny (15,000 acre) has the 6 mile... more
Updated: Nulegacy Gold Corp
NuLegacy Gold has an early exploration project in Nevada (Iceberg and Avocado deposits on the Red Hill Property). It is nearby Barrick Gold’s 14 million oz Goldrush open pit deposit. It could be another large open pit. The early drill results have been... more
Updated: Eldorado Gold Corp
Eldorado Gold is a large mid-tier producer with a lot of reserves (15 million oz). They have been a growth oriented company. They have 4 operating mines, plus 3 more being developed. Production will rise from 175,000 oz to 500,000 oz after these 3 mines... more
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