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News from September 2016
Added: Greatland Gold Plc
Greatland Gold is a London based stock with exploration properties in Australia. Both their Ernest Giles (65,000 acres) and Havieron (32,000 acres) are large, but have very little exploration. They both have had a few drill holes and show potential. They... more
Added: Romios Gold Resources Inc
Romios Gold has a large property (188,000 acres) in the Golden Triangle near the Galore Creek project. They are drilling two projects (Newmont Lake and Trek) and have had some success. They have discovered copper, gold, and silver. It is still too early... more
Updated: Ximen Mining Corp
Ximen Mining has an early exploration project (Brett) in British Colombia that looks promising. They have a good management team that is good at marketing their company. The stock surged in early 2014, but has subsequently crashed as they ran out of cash. more
Added: Eskay Mining Corp
Eskay Mining has 130,000 acres next to the large Seabridge Gold Kerr project in the Golden Triangle (British Columbia, Canada). They have 100% ownership of Corey (48,000 acres), and 80% ownership of SIB (82,000 acres). On their website the do not have... more
Updated: DELETE - Trilogy Metals Inc
Trilogy Metals (formerly Novacopper) is primarily a copper developer. They have two large copper projects in Alaska. Their Bornite discovery has 6 billion lbs of copper, although low grade, and not likely to get developed anytime soon. Their Arctic... more
Updated: Patagonia Gold Plc
Patagonia Gold is a company with potential. They began producing in 2012 at Lomada de Leiva. They stopped production in 2016 and are now starting up production at Cap Oeste, where they have 1.2 million oz (including silver). They are only planning to... more
Updated: Emx Royalty Corp
Eurasian Minerals is a global project generator with 42 projects (about 10 JVs) in about 10 countries. With a FD market cap of $93 million, the upside is somewhat constrained without any near-term cash flow projects. They have a capable CEO (David Cole)... more
Updated: Novo Resources Corp
Novo Resources is an exciting stock with significant upside potential. Everything will depend on drilling results and exploration success. The first 16,000 meters of drilling found 500,000 oz at 1.5 gpt. They have large land holdings of 400,000 acres in... more
Updated: Inventus Mining Corp
Inventus Mining appears to have a gold discovery (Pardo property) in Ontario, Canada. Their stock jumped from 3 cents a share to 35 cents after the discovery in 2013. Now it's back to 17 cents. Is this a big discovery? Perhaps, and it is placer gold... more
Updated: Inventus Mining Corp
Inventus Mining appears to have a gold discovery (Pardo property) in Ontario, Canada. Their stock jumped from 3 cents a share to 35 cents after the discovery in 2013. Now it's back to 17 cents. Is this a big discovery? Perhaps, and it is placer gold... more
Updated: Yorbeau Resources
Yorbeau Resources is a project generator in Canada. They recently gave Kinross a 4 yr option to purchase their Rouyn project for $25 million. That will give them financing to explore their other 14 projects. If Kinross backs out, they can easily sell it... more
Updated: DELETE - Xtierra Inc
Xtierra Inc. has a late stage silver project in Mexico. The problem is that the recently released PEA has a post-tax IRR of only 13%. Plus, the capex was $100 million, which is probably too much to finance 1.4 million oz of annual production. It could... more
Added: DELETE - RJK Explorations Ltd
RJK Exploration has two early exploration projects in Canada. Blackwater is three properties totaling 62,000 acres in British Columbia. They are all near New Gold's 10 milion oz Blackwater deposit. They also have a 10,000 acre project in Ontario (Goldie)... more
Updated: Inventus Mining Corp
Inventus Mining appears to have a gold discovery (Pardo property) in Ontario, Canada. Their stock jumped from 3 cents a share to 35 cents after the discovery in 2013. Now it's back to 17 cents. Is this a big discovery? Perhaps, and it is placer gold... more
Updated: DELETE - Shanta Gold Ltd
Shanta Gold is a producer in Tanzania. Their open pit Luikda mine is a 1.2 million oz resource at 4 gpt. Current production is 85,000 oz at $900 all-in costs. Thus, they are profitable with cash flow. They have $70 million in debt and $30 million in cash. more
Updated: Inventus Mining Corp
Inventus Mining appears to have a gold discovery (Pardo property) in Ontario, Canada. Their stock jumped from 3 cents a share to 35 cents after the discovery in 2013. Now it's back to 17 cents. Is this a big discovery? Perhaps, and it is placer gold... more
Updated: Golconda Gold
Galane Gold appears to have the management team and properties to be successful. They have a small FD market cap of $16 million, yet are producing 35,000 oz at Mupane (an open pit mine at 2 gpt). All-in costs around $1100 per oz. Plus, they recently... more
Added: DELETE - Bessor Minerals Inc
Troymet Exploration has three early exploration projects. Redhill in British Columbia is copper/gold. Wildcat in Utah is high grade gold. Golden Eagle in British Columbia is high grade gold. At this time, none of them appear to be exciting, although that... more
Updated: Novagold Resources Inc
NovaGold Resources has a huge advanced gold project in Alaska. Donlin is a 45 million oz resource at 2.2 gpt, which is one of the highest grade large open pit mines in the world. They are projecting cash costs of $600 per oz. However, mining will not... more
Updated: MAG Silver Corp
Mag Silver has an excellent late stage project in Mexico. Their Juanicipio project is a JV with Fresnillo and they have a 44% interest. Production should begin in 2017 and it has a 15 year mine life (likely to be increased). Mag's share will be about 5... more
Added: DELETE - US Copper Corp.
Crown Mining has a large copper deposit (2 billion lbs) in California. With a $2 million FD market cap, it is very cheap for such a large deposit (Lights Creek). They also have three early exploration gold and silver projects, although they are all small. more
Updated: DELETE - Shanta Gold Ltd
Shanta Gold is a producer in Tanzania. Their open pit Luikda mine is a 1.2 million oz resource at 4 gpt. Current production is 85,000 oz at $900 all-in costs. Thus, they are profitable with cash flow. They have $70 million in debt and $30 million in cash. more
Updated: DELETE - Shanta Gold Ltd
Shanta Gold is a producer in Tanzania. Their Luikda mine is a 1 million oz resource at 5 gpt. Current production is 85,000 oz at $1000 all-in costs. Thus, they are profitable with cash flow. They have $70 million in debt and $30 million in cash. Once... more
Updated: DELETE - Shanta Gold Ltd
Shanta Gold is a producer in Tanzania. Their open pit Luikda mine is a 1.2 million oz resource at 4 gpt. Current production is 85,000 oz at $1000 all-in costs. Thus, they are profitable with cash flow. They have $70 million in debt and $30 million in... more
Added: Japan Gold Corp
Japan Gold (formerly Sky Ridge Resources) is a new exploration company focused in Japan. They have 10 properties on 65,000 acres. All are early exploration, although some have had past production. They have a lot of cash ($5 million) for drilling, so... more
Updated: Globex Mining Enterprises Inc
Globex Mining is a project generator that has been around for 60 years. With 147 projects (69 are precious metals) in Canada, you would think they would have some income. They have $1 million in cash and some royalty income, but very little. Their stock... more
Added: Japan Gold Corp
Japan Gold (formerly Sky Ridge Resources) is a new exploration company focused in Japan. They have 10 properties on 65,000 acres. All are early exploration, although some have had past production. They have a lot of cash ($5 million) for drilling, so... more
Updated: Rockhaven Resources Ltd
Rockhaven Resources has a high grade gold and silver discovery in the Yukon (Canada). The Klaza property is large (20,000 acres) and has 9 discovered zones to drill. It's already a 1.3 million oz gold deposit at 4 gpt at surface, plus another 27 million... more
Added: DELETE - Norra Metals Corp
OK2 Minerals (formerly Gold Jubilee) has two large (combined 25,000 acres) early exploration gold/copper projects in Canada. Both are located in the Golden Triangle in British Columbia. Neither have had much exploration with very little drilling. OK2... more
Updated: DELETE - Eco Oro Minerals Corp
Eco Oro Minerals (formerly Greystar Resources) recently lost their mining rights for their Angostura project (3.2 million oz). The project had a PEA with a $500 million capex, but appears to be dead. They will likely get some money back from the... more
Added: Emmerson Resources Ltd
Emmerson Resources has two gold projects in Australia. Their Tennant Creek project is a 1.3 million oz (8 gpt) gold deposit with significant copper offsets. Evolution Mining has a 75% option and is developing it. That project has given Emmmerson a $37... more
Updated: Gunpoint Exploration Ltd
Gunpoint Exploration is a project generator with an advanced project in Nevada (Talapoosa). It is a 1.2 million oz (1 gpt) open pit project with 15 million oz of silver (15 gpt). Timberline has an option to obtain Talapoosa for $10 million by August 2017, more
Added: Aurion Resources Ltd
Aurion Resources has several early exploration gold projects in Finland. After drilling 47 holes on Kutuvuoma (25,000 acres), they made a JV deal with B2Gold, who has a 70% option. They will also get 650,000 shares of B2Gold if the option is exercised.... more
Updated: NV Gold Corp
NV Gold lost the option to the Rattlesnake Hills property in Wyoming in 2015. They didn't have much left. One early exploration gold project in Switzerland and another in Nevada. However, they recently made a deal with RedStar Gold that might bring them... more
Updated: Impact Silver Corp
Impact Silver Corp is a small producer (3 underground mines at 140 gpt). They have a good management team and have performed well, taking mines into production 24 months after discovery. That is impressive. They are also growing production and plan to... more
Updated: Impact Silver Corp
Impact Silver Corp is a small producer (3 underground mines at 140 gpt). They have a good management team and have performed well, taking mines into production 24 months after discovery. That is impressive. They are also growing production and plan to... more
Added: Chibougamau Independent Mines Inc
Chibougamau Independent Mines has a large (23,000 acres) gold/copper exploration property in Quebec. It has 8 past producing mines and a mill. The best thing about it is the location. Also, it has a mill and exploration potential. However, it is a high... more
Updated: Gold Terra Corp
TerraX Minerals is a project generator with a large property in Canada (Northwest Territories). They are drilling three different discoveries on their large (20,000 acre) Yellowknife property. It has 450 historical drill holes with several high grade... more
Updated: Lara Exploration Ltd
Lara Exploration is a good project generator. The only problem with this stock is that it is not precious metals focused. However, with a higher price of gold, I would expect this company to focus more on gold. Lara has shown the ability to create JV... more
Updated: DELETE - Taseko Mines Ltd
Taseko Mines has an advanced stage gold project (Prosperity) in British Columbia. They have a $98 million FD market cap and are forecasting production at 200,000 oz per year (adjusted for Franco Nevada gold stream) for 20 years, plus a large amount of... more
Added: Silver Spruce Resources Inc
Silver Spruce Resources has an early exploration project (Pino de Plata) in Mexico. The property (1,000 acres) has never been drilled by has had high grade surface samples. They recently raised $800,000, but they have $1.3 million in current liabilities.... more
Interview on
Interview of Don Durrett 9/11/2016 more
Updated: Sarama Resources Ltd
Sarama Resources is a project generator in West Africa (Burkina Faso, Liberia, and Mali). They have one flagship project: South Hounde. It is optioned to Acacia Mining (a large gold producer), who has a 75% option. South Hounde is a 2 million oz deposit... more
Added: DELETE - Azure Minerals Ltd
Azure Minerals is an Australian based exploration company focused in Mexico. They have a 20% interest is a large copper project, with a $200 million carried interest. They also have a silver (Mesa de Plata) and gold discovery (Loma Bonita) on their 12,000 more
Updated: China Gold Intl. Resrcs Corp Ltd
China Gold International is an interesting stock if you like copper. Their CSH open pit gold mine is producing 230,000 oz and has 5 million oz of resources, which makes for a long life mine. This mine alone probably gives it a future value of $1 billion,... more
Updated: Chesapeake Gold Corp
Chesapeake Gold is project generator with an awesome project. They have a huge project in Mexico (Metates) with 18 million oz of gold (1 gpt), 525 million oz of silver (15 gpt), and 4 billion lbs of zinc. With gold production reaching 750,000 oz per year, more
Updated: Torex Gold Resources Inc
Torex Gold Resources has a large late stage project (El Limon) in Mexico. It is a 4 million oz (2.6 gpt) open pit deposit. They have a $2 billion FD market cap, so most of the value is already in the stock price. El Limon began production in December... more
Added: Silver One Resources Inc
Silver One Resources is a new exploration company. They acquired 3 early exploration projects in Mexico from First Mining Finance, who kept 7.2% ownership. All 3 properties need to be drilled to find a mine. Two of them have been drilled before in the... more
Updated: RTG Mining Inc
RTG Mining is developing a gold project in the Philippines, where they have two large properties. The Mabilo gold deposit is 750,000 oz (1.5 gpt), with high grade copper offsets making it a low cost gold mine. Phase 1 has a $17 million capex to produce... more
Updated: RTG Mining Inc
RTG Mining is developing a gold project in the Philippines, where they hope to begin production in 2017 (stage 1). The Mabilo gold deposit is 750,000 oz (1.5 gpt), with high grade copper offsets making it a low cost gold mine. Stage 1 has a $17 million... more
Updated: Northern Star Resources Ltd
Northern Star Resources is a large gold producer in Western Australia. They have 5 producing mines and FD market cap of $2 billion. However, they only have 2 million oz of reserves and 9 million oz of resources. Investors seem to only care about the... more
Updated: Vast Resources Plc
Vast Resources is small gold producer in Zimbabwe. Their Pickstone/Peerless project is producing about 15,000 oz (their 50% share) at $900 per oz cash costs. It's a large deposit (3.5 million oz) with expansion potential.
Their Baita Bihor mine is a... more
Added: Electrum Discovery
Medgold Resources has two JVs in Portugal with Centerra Gold. The Boticas (25,000 acres) and Lagares (85,000 acres) are both large properties. Centerra can obtain 70% by spending $6 million over five years. Both projects are still early exploration. This... more
Updated: Vast Resources Plc
Vast Resources is small gold producer in Zimbabwe. Their Pickstone/Peerless project is producing about 15,000 oz (their 50% share) at $900 per oz cash costs. It's a large deposit (3.5 million oz) with expansion potential to increase production.
Their... more
Updated: Midland Exploration Inc
Midland Exploration is a project generator with 41 properties and 21 projects on 600,000 acres in Quebec and Ontario. They have 6 JVs (gold projects), including deals with Agnico Eagle, Osisko, and Aurizon. However, none of them are advanced projects.... more
Updated: Ausgold Ltd
Ausgold Ltd has a interesting exploration property in western Australia. Katanning is on 500,000 acres and has already had 60,000 meters drilled. The resource size is 600,000 oz (1.2 gpt), but they have 50+ more targets to drill. They think it can be... more
Updated: Teuton Resources Corp
Teuton Resources is a project generator in Canada (British Columbia). They have been around for a long time (1982) and have 25 projects (about 6 JVs). However, they do not have any advanced stage projects. Investors seem to like it and have bid up their... more
Updated: Newcore Gold Ltd
Pinecrest Resources has a gold project (Enchi) in Ghana, West Africa. The resource size is 1.5 million oz at .65 gpt, and will likely grow in size. It is a large property (175,000 acres) with a lot of drilling targets. They completed a PEA in 2015 for a... more
Updated: Mako Mining Corp
Golden Reign Resources has an advanced high grade (7 pgt) project in Nicaragua (San Albino). It is funded with production beginning in 2017. San Albino is already a 900,000 oz oz deposit (open pit and underground). It has excellent step-out drilling... more
Updated: Canagold Resources
Canarc Resources has an advanced project in Canada (northern British Columbia) that looks promising. Their New Polaris project is a 1.1 million oz resource, averaging 11 gpt. They have a PEA for 72,000 oz of production for 10 years with low cash costs... more
Updated: DELETE - Guyana Goldfields Inc.
Guyana Goldfields is new mid-tier producer. Gold crashed to $1100 and this stock barely moved. It was a steal two years ago, but has increased in value from $188 million to a $1.1 billion FD market cap today. Production began in Q4 2015, with expected... more
Updated: DELETE - Great Panther Mining
Great Panther Silver is a mid-tier producer in Mexico. Their flagship Guanajuato mine produces 75% of their production. It only has 17 million oz of resources, but they have been very successful with exploration at Guanajuato. Great Panther is no longer... more
Updated: New Gold Inc
New Gold is an emerging major with growth prospects (although most of their growth won’t happen until 2017). It's going to be interesting to see how companies such as New Gold get valued as gold heads higher. Today their 400,000 oz of production is... more
Updated: Fresnillo Plc
Fresnillo is a major and the largest silver producer at 45 million oz per year. They plan to expand production to 65 million oz by 2018. This is a profitable company that is generating cash flow. They have large resources at 1.5 billion oz of silver and... more
Updated: Fresnillo Plc
Fresnillo is a major and the largest silver producer at 50 million oz per year. They plan to expand production to 65 million oz by 2018. This is a profitable company that is generating solid cash flow. They have large resources at 1.7 billion oz of... more
Updated: Hecla Mining Company
Hecla Mining has two large low cost high grade silver mines: Lucky Friday in Idaho and Greens Creek in Alaska. They will produce 16 million oz of silver in 2016 at cash costs around $8 per oz. Plus, Greens Creek, Casa Berardi, and San Sebastian will... more
August 2016 Newsletter Posted
The August 2016 newsletter has just been posted. If you're set to receive a notification via email, it will be arriving shortly. more
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